Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The Itinerary.

Here's the grand plan!

July 17th - at the pits hour of 6.00am we are outta here

July 17th - July 19th - We will be in the Big Apple

July 20th - July 21st - We will be attending the Redsox Vs. Yankees game in Boston

July 22nd - July 28th - Back to the Big Apple for more exploring
July 29th - We land in London

July 30th - August 19th  - CONTIKI - here's our map

August 20th - August 21st - Resting our livers in Athens

August 21st - 26th August - Wingin' it

August 27th - August 28th - Camping on the beach with busabout in Spain for La Tomatina

August 29th - September 28th - Wingin' it

September 29th - September 31st - Oktoberfest, Germany with Busabout

1st October - 3rd October - Exploring Germany

4th October - 6th October - Relaxing in Singapore

7th October - We arrive home at 5.50PM at Adelaide Airport if anyone wants to make the trip for first hugs!

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